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JHSC - Part Two

Program Description


Joint Health and Safety Certification Part II is an advanced training program designed to provide participants with in-depth knowledge and skills necessary for effectively carrying out committee duties and responsibilities in the workplace. 


Building upon the foundational concepts covered in Part I, this course delves deeper into hazard identification, risk assessment, legislative requirements, and practical strategies for promoting a healthy and safe work environment. Participants will explore advanced topics related to occupational health and safety management systems, and workplace hazard control measures.


To complete the certification process, members must successfully complete Part II of within twelve months of completing Part I.


Learning Outcomes 


By the end of the program, participants will be able to:

  • Describe key concepts of Part One training including the process of how to recognize, assess and control hazards, and evaluate the hazard controls

  • Apply recognition, assessment, control, and evaluation principles to each of the workplace hazard(s) selected for the training program

  • Create a draft action plan and recommendations for the employer


Target Audience 


Joint health and safety committee members, supervisors, OHS professionals


Legislative/Standard References

  • OHSA s. 9. (2), (12)


Course Length 


  • 13 hours minimum

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